Xi Deuteron’s Centennial Reunion and the 166th International Convention August 2013

A Century of brotherhood marked by good times and challenging times ended in triumph. Four days of celebration will be fondly remembered for a long time. Our visiting Convention bretheren were in awe from start to finish. The SHIELD captured the spirit with this article.

Xi Deuteron’s Centennial Reunion and the 166th International Convention, August 2013

Theta Delts gathered in Seattle back in August for the 166th Convention and the 100th anniversary of the Xi Deuteron Charge. And it was the party of the century, with a Charge House in lights, gourmet food trucks, and the unique Grand Banquet in recent memory—dinner beneath an SR-71 Blackbird.

Our most remote charge pulls out all the stops when the rest of the Fraternity comes to visit. Xi Neutron has been planning this convention for over five years. And they did not disappoint.

Wednesday’s Northwest Graduate Association Welcoming Reception at the Charge House was a huge success. Event chairmen Larry Sarchin ’77 and Paul West ’03 put together an amazing evening. Over 240 people crammed into the house, yet one never sensed that it was overcrowded as the event was spread throughout the house and grounds. Two of Seattle’s most popular gourmet Food Trucks, Marination Mobile and Happy Gilmore, provided the feast. Jim Romdall ’02, owner of Vessel cocktail bar in downtown Seattle, mixed Signature drinks created for the occasion, such as Stars Ablaze and Minerva’s Arrows. Xi Deut Undergrad President Brian Best gave tours of the famous Charge Room. Newly re-done photo albums depicting 100 years of history were on display. And six decades of Xi Deuts welcomed the Convention throng.

Thursday was down to business meetings, then a cruise across Puget Sound to Tillicum Village on Blake Island for a clam and salmon feast with Northwest Coast Native American stories and dances. Friday dawned to the Omega Service, presided by Kevin G. Beder, Xi Deut ’76. On display were nearly 400 names of Xi Deuts who had entered Omega during the Charge’s first century. Friday evening had many choices for the visitors. The Seattle Mariners were playing the Milwaukee Brewers at Safeco Field, and the Charitos Society held a rooftop reception in the Presidential suite of the Deca Hotel that offered stunning views of Seattle, the Cascade and Olympic Mountain ranges, and presiding overall was Mt Rainier. As the sun set and city lights began to stir the night, nature gave us a light show over the Cascades.

When Saturday’s business wrapped up the conventioneers had no idea what was in store. When you thought Xi Deut had no more surprises, we arrived at the Museum of Flight. Nearly 290 brothers and guests enjoyed the Museum’s Red Barn, Personal Courage Wings, the 4D Flight simulator, Museum Store, and the Space Gallery. After the PGL Reception and Xi Deuteron Centennial Reunion overlooking Boeing Field, nothing could prepare us for the Grand Banquet, exquisitely set in the Great Gallery beneath generations of aircraft “flying” above us. And who could forget the convention visitor who remarked “I never thought I’d be eating dinner underneath an SR-71 Blackbird.” The prime rib dinner was superb and delicious, the celebrations historic, and joyful.

The Brothers of Xi Deuteron and the city of Seattle have done it once again. Great food, great events, great venues, picture perfect postcard weather, stunning vistas, nice surprises, record attendance, and flawless execution. Sadly, it may be a while before the fraternity convention heads that way again, but maybe there will be something to celebrate not too far off. Xi Deuteron is in the midst of a major fund-raising and stem-to-stern renovation project with completion eyed for 2016 when the Charge house itself will be 100 years old. The gentlemen of Xi Deuteron will celebrate their achievement in style, and we’re sure the welcome mat will be out for those of us who wish to revisit Theta Delta Chi’s most remote and most welcoming Charge.

A group of people standing in front of a building.
A large group of people sitting at tables in front of airplanes.

From your Centennial Chairman – Ty Fenton ‘75

We were in for a treat. As the final hours approached for the Welcoming Reception at the Charge House, our Centennial was quickly coming together. Herculean efforts over years, months, and the final weeks were about to pay off. I can probably safely say there will not be a larger gathering of Theta Delts at a Charge-hosted Convention welcoming reception. Ever! We owe a debt to Brothers Paul West ‘03 and Larry Sarchin '77, who each gave up two weeks of their vacation to get the house in ship shape and decked out. My wife, Patti (AZD '76), spent several weeks and countless hours compiling and creating new photo albums spanning 100 years. They were a huge hit. A bunch of guys from the 60s laughed while pointing at pictures of themselves back in the day with dates who later became their former wives! The cruise to Blake Island and the updated salmon bake did not disappoint. Sailing into Seattle at night is always spectacular. Reverend Kevin Beder ‘76 once again led the faithful at the Omega Service as attendees signed a poster honoring the listed 400 Xi Deuts who entered Omega during Xi Deut’s first century.

The Charitos Society sponsored a gathering of contributors, with particular recognition for those supporting Xi Deut’s fundraising efforts. The event was on the rooftop of the Deca Hotel. It was a glorious evening of fellowship, food, drink, and views. As the sun was setting, we were in for a spectacular lightning display by Mother Nature near the foothills.

The Convention’s Grand Banquet has been the highlight of each convention. Our chosen venue will be the benchmark for future conventions. Never before has a Grand Banquet venue offered a more rich and exciting backdrop than the Museum of Flight. Nearly 290 Theta Delts and guests, nearly 200 Xi Deuts, dined amongst aviation history, marveled at the fleet of planes flying overhead, and the hardy even got a chance to “fly” in the simulators. It provided the exclamation point to a fabulous week.

A crowd of people holding balloons and lit candles.

The Courtyard in Lights.

Two men shaking hands outside a building.

Executive Director Bill Mcclung Greets Former Cfo Staffer Ryan Aggergaard.

A group of people sitting around each other.

In the Scene, Dave Duryee, Robert Russell, Ron Smith, and John Plovie, Amongst Others.

Two men standing on a balcony overlooking the city.

Tom Suther and Tom Birmingham Admiring the Deca Hotel Penthouse View.

Three men are talking to each other outside.

Rick Wood, Dan Keefe, and Eric Kelley.

A group of people standing next to each other.

Jordan Forbes, Paul West, and Dan Keefe Hosted a Couple of the Alumni Delegates.

Three people sitting on a boat in the water.

Steve Williams and His Wife Enjoy the Trip to the Blake Island Salmon Bake.

Two men standing next to each other on a boat.

Jock Collins and Larry Sarchin on the Way to Blake Island

A fire pit with sticks and wood burning.

Dinner on Blake Island.

A group of people sitting at tables with food.

Jay Change (C) Under the SR-71. Jay Received the Farthest Traveled Award Coming From Beijing to Celebrate.

A group of people sitting at a table with food.

Alec Hill Flew in From Baltimore to Reminisce With His Fellow Alumni.

Three men in suits and ties holding a trophy.

Larry Sarchin, Paul West, and Jeff Weiner With the Graduate Attendance Trophy.

A group of people sitting at a table with plates.

The 60’s

A group of people sitting at tables with plates.

The 50’s