Latest News

April 2024

After nearly 60 years, the old dishwasher cleaned its final load this spring. A newdishwasher was purchased and installed. A shout out to all the brothers who were the humanhalf of doing the dishes and ensuring the cook always arrived to a clean and orderly kitchen.
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August 2024

Donations pledged to the Capital Campaign are nearly complete. There are a fewstragglers, and there are many guys who haven’t been part of the campaign. Now is the time tostep forward. Please contact __________________ at __________________. To inquire whereyou stand or what you can commit.
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Late August

The undergrads could use some help. For the next few weeks they need a fewalumni to help round out some rush events. We’re talking a couple of hours. The undergradsare a little understaffed this summer and are very close to their target. We need about 10 moreguys to ensure we start this fall on favorable…
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Upcoming Events

  • Fall - Alcohol 210 class
  • Fall - Alumni/Active salmon bake
  • Upcoming - Husky Athletics guest speaker

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